Monday, December 19, 2005

Harvynna on Vacation!

Sent Harvynna back to Melaka today for a week with my parents. Already started missing her. Will be going back to Melaka on sat for Christmas and will be going to A Famosa to see the safari. I am sure she will enjoy it since she loves animals.

The worse part is as she got into my parents car, she did no even shed a tear. She just looked at me and said, Bye Mummy a million times, throwing kisses my way. Normally, when my parents leave, she will burst into tears and cry, 'Nanaaaaa, Naniiiiii'. But with me, it was just Bye.

The weekend was extremely hectic as we attended my cousins wedding reception on Saturday. Will post that later as I haven't developed the photos as yet. She picked up a few more words over the weekend e.g. Motorcycle (the first 4 syllable word she says perfectly) unlike:

appemengamenga - watermelon

aluwah - umbrella

I called my parents later, and they mentioned she was enjoying herself running all over the place. When they ask her where's Mummy or daddy, she will reply, 'Mummy office ' and 'daddy car'

Harvynna's Messy Meal Time

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