Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Things they say....part 2

The girls are back and they house is full of life again. No more lonely car rides. I am once again, entertained with their chattering.

They love playing, Spot the Petrol station. Everytime we pass a petrol station, they will shout 'Petrol station, I saw first' and we pass another one, and it goes on and on. Both cannot look at each other's side or they will be subject to some hair pulling or pinching incidents.

The other day, they were playing grown up and Harvynna told Rowena:

H: I be the mummy, you be the daddy
Rowie: No, I be mummy
H: No, you be the daddy, because daddy does nothing, just sit down, so very easy for you
Rowie: Ok


Rowena's favourite song now is:

5 little monkeys jumping on the bed
One fell down and bumped his head
Mama called the dr
No more monkeys jumping on the bed (I think she missed out a line here, but I cant figure what it is)

She sings this while jumping at the edge of the bed.


Irene said...

AND the dr said...
No more monkeys...

you can always count on fellow moms to finish songs together :)

Anonymous said...

haha...sometimes they are too chatty ya! Did u ever think of plaster their mouth? ....hahaha...I did! LOL

CL said...

My girl also likes to sing the monkey song.

So funny, daddy just sit there and do nothing. All men are the same.

Anonymous said...

I like to play the silent game with my boy in the car. Whoever speaks first is the monkey. Allows me to get a few mins of peace.

Health Freak Mommy said...

My 2 older gals like to play daddy & mummy too. Sometimes, mummy is 'dead' in their play, lol!

Babysmooches said...

hey, I got an award for you on my blog :-D

Mamapumpkin said...

Your girls are super cute!!! Can I meet them????