Wednesday, June 25, 2008

All night long

I wonder why many parents are so eager for their child to start talking. Coz once they start, they dont stop.....ever.... even if its all night long.

2 nights ago, Rowena woke up at 3am. she probably thought it was morning already. So she insisted on

Rowena: I want brush teeth
Me: NO
Rowena: I want manni (mandi - bathe)
Me: No
Rowena:I want cake
Me: NO

Then, she starts singing all kinds of songs and talks to herself. then she decides she wants to have a conversation with me.

Rowena: mummy, mummy, you know yesterday the foggy came (fogging)
Rowena: the foggy shooot like that
Rowena: then we go room and quickly close the door
Rowena: the foggy bau bau like that (very smelly)
Rowena: mummy, listen ,listen (while slapping my face).... then starts the same story again and again and again.

After a while, she got fed up and said, 'why dont want to sayang me, so bad then!' - well guess where she learnt that from.

Since no one pays attention to her, she starts kicking Harvynna, then tells the baby in the cake ladies house story....

Rowena: the baby in cake lady's house sooooo good - never drink mummy's susu - only drink from bottle and a whole lot of other stories...... all this at 3 in the morning on a week day!!


Anonymous said...

Ooh..I feel ya, Rina! Belle has become a chatter box too..sometimes at 6am!

jazzmint said...

wah wake up at 3am :|

Anonymous said...

Oh no! 3 am! Once in awhile can still can tolerate, if she does that too often then you gonna need concealer soon.. hehe.. for the panda eyes.

Babysmooches said...

hahaha... Rowena is so cute!