Friday, October 03, 2008

Lil Miss Trouble

I am convinced that Rowena is related to Dennis the Menace. She is really naughty and she enjoys being naughty. Her eyes always light up after she has done something naughty, then she gives you the cutest smile, which makes it hard to get angry with her for long. I recall Harvynna going through the terrible 2's, but she was never as naughty as Rowena. If you scold her, she just glares at you, like its your fault!

Some of the things she does / did are:

I sent her bottle of Ventolin to the babysitter last week, which was supposed to help clear her lungs. she took the plastic bag, banged it on the floor a few times, till the bottle broke and passed the bag to me. I asked her why she broke the bottle and she calmly replied, 'because I am naughty'

She still pulls the toilet paper from its holder.

Whenever, we go to public toilets, she will open the lock or pull down the toilet paper or flush the toilet while i am sitting on it.

She loves to pull Harvynna's hair, pinch her or poke her eyes.

She loves to open the dryer or change the settings when nobody is looking

She has broken half my make up and toiletries.

Switches on, and then off, and then on again - the air-cond in her room

She demands for water ' I want water, I so thirsty' in the most pitiful voice. Then when you give it to her, she pours it on the floor.

There are so many more, but I cant recall. All I know is that she is such an imp!


Mommy to Chumsy said...

muhahaha..this is funny!! i thought ashley was the female version of dennis the menace. guess there is another little girl just like her :D

jazzmint said...

looks like she enjoys doing all that and admits she's notty LOL...

CL said...

hehe... she is smart. She knows how to get attention from you.

Anonymous said...

I was laughing at the part she opened the door while you were still in the toilet cubicle. They can be such a menace this minute and an angel the other right. Hopefully this T2 phase will pass soon...

Family First said...

Denise the Menace! Well yes! I think kids these days are ALL related to him! Mine too!

Health Freak Mommy said...

Your posts about your gals always make me chuckle. Your gals are really funny and your Rowena is just like my Sher and hey, I always feel that my Sher is like Dennie the Menace too. Many times, I feel like Malcom's yelling mum too (in the Malcom in The Middle sitcom) LOL!

Babysmooches said...

hehehe... so cute... sounds a little like err.. mummy?