Monday, February 27, 2006

Saranya's 5th birthday party!

We attended Saranya’s 5th birthday party last Thursday at the Bangsar McDonalds. When you have a party there, all you need to do is invite the guests and McDonalds take care of EVERYTHING – from the games, food, mascot, activities and the kids looked like they really had a good time. As compared to when I planned Harvynna’s 1st birthday party, I had to start the planning 5 months ahead to book everyone and everything needed to have a good party.

Saranya is considered Harvynna’s first
friend as when Harvynna started going to

the babysitters place at 3 ½ months, Saranya was there and used to play with her like an older sister although they fight at times now. In a way, Harvynna had a companion right from the start.

When I arrived at the party at 7.30 (Harvynna was there since 6.30), she was like a grown up sitting with the other older kids at the table and eating. The moment she saw me, her eyes lit up, and she screamed, ‘Mummy!’ Poor thing, most of the other mummies were already there. This lazy mummy went home to sleep first. Made the most of the opportunity since Saranya’s mum was picking up the kids from the babysitters.

Looks like Harvynna enjoys birthday parties more now as she can understand whats going on and can participate in some of the activities.


ZMM said...

McDonalds do the babysitting as well? Maybe when Zara celebrates her 2nd birthday I should consider McDonalds.

jazzmint said...

wow that's a nice party...and she got a nice dress too..

wonder how much isit to have a party in McD huh