Thursday, April 13, 2006

Happy 2nd birthday Princess!

Posted by Picasa Happy 2nd birthday our little princess!

Yesterday, Harvynna turned 2! On Tuesday (being a public holiday), we went to Mid Valley to get Daddy’s belated birthday present and also Harvynna’s present from Toysrus. I thought that that might cause labour to start since the dr said that walking might help. Wouldn’t it be nice for Harvynna to share her bday with her baby, or maybe not. Unfortunately, nothing happened.

Anyway, yesterday, we had a small party at the babysitter’s house. I brought the cake over at about 5 pm together with some snacks and party packs for the other kids. It rained cats and dogs when I arrived and all the kids had just woken up from their afternoon nap. Some of the other mummies arrived and waited it out due to the rain, so we had a bigger crowd at her party. Harvynna was very excited as she kept telling the mummies, ‘today, harvynna’s happy birthday’. There were 7 children including Harvynna.

One of the older kids, Natasha dressed Harvynna up, while I just snapped photos.
She sang her bday song……Happy bday Havina
Happy bday Havina
Happy bday Havina
Happy bday Havina

Harvynna was very happy and had 2 servings of cake. The cake tasted really good and looked pretty good too. The lady that made the cake is really talented. I saw some of her other cakes and was really impressed. She seems to specialize in 3D cakes. Next year, we will order the cake from her.

Once we got home, we opened her presents and she was too engrossed in them. All our family called to wish her, but she was a little ‘stuck up’. She just told everyone, ‘Ok, bye, see you’

Overall, it was just a simple celebration, nevertheless –still a celebration as our baby girl is now 2 years old.


ZMM said...

Happy Birthday Harvynna!!

2yrs old!! Big big girl now!

jazzmint said...

happy belated birthday!!!

she look like such a big girl, especially with the knife!!! time flies huh

chanelwong said...

Simple but meaningful plus enjoying..that is the most important....

mom2ashley said...

ooo! happy birthday little princess!!! she looks so cute

Babysmooches said...

I wonder if she'll like "kor-kor" (big brother) Brendan. haha. Love and kisses to Harvynna....