Monday, May 12, 2008

The terrific 2s

Rowena is simply getting naughtier by the day. Blame it on the Terrible 2s or I call them the 'Terrific 2s', I guess. She gets up to her mischief in a sweet way that its quite hard to get angry with her. Some of the things that can drive me up the wall:

- loves to go into the bathroom and pull down the toilet paper till it all comes off the roll
-loves to follow anyone to the bathroom and offer 'tissue tissue' with her sweetest smile and then the disaster happens
- loves to wash her hands repeatedly, while getting her clothes wet
-refuses to get down from the car when we reach our destination. Instead, she will run to the front seat, go back again, then front again till she gets stuck somewhere
-refuses to come when you call her - will stand far away or run off somewhere else while giggling
- runs off when you least expect it
- goes into the rooms and locks herself in
- insists on changing her clothes when Harvynna is changing. If I say no, she will remove everything including her diaper and throw her clothes far away
-pull her sisters hair if she does not get what she wants
- switches off the tv if she is not getting any attention
- lies down on the floor in public just to get attention

If I show her that I am angry, she will smile and say in her cutest voice 'sorry mummy' and then do it all over again.


pc said...

hi, i hop in fr chinnee's site. i have a terrible 2 too. your cute girl make me smile in my heart. my girl is not as cute as your girl. anyway, we mummies just need to bear with it, i guess ^^.

i wrote it here @

Anonymous said...

Mine also driving me up the wall. It's like he woke up and suddenly switch from one person to another. Before my son hits 2 yr old, he hardly cry. Now one day at least once or twice over the silliest reason. *pull hair*

CL said...

same here, especially the last one, rolling on the floor. Mine is worse, some more got very sharp pitch screaming.

Hang in there.