Monday, May 01, 2006

Rowena's birth

Long overdue but nevertheless!

Our precious little princess Rowena Kler was born on 25 April 2006 at 4.45pm, after a long, long wait (40 weeks and 2 days).

Was getting very anxious as my due date was getting nearer and nearer and there were absolutely no signs. Was on mc from the week of 17 April in anticipation.Went for the doctors check up on 22 April and he mentioned that there was no indication and set April 28 as the cut of date - no sign of baby coming out, then we have to do a c-section.

As I had been planning to have a natural delivery this time, we decided to wait it out. Then on the EDD, 23 April, I had a show in the evening and went to the hospital. Upon doing the monitoring, i had mild contraction every 4 minutes and they decided to admit me. It was very mild so it was bearable. The next day, the cervix was only opened 1 cm and they decided to discharge me. We scheduled an ARM for tuesday morning

That night was miserable, as the contractions were every 4-8 minutes and quite painful. Could not sleep the whole night. Anyway, the next morning, we left for the hospital as planned. We dropped Harvynna off at the babysitter.

This time the contractions (although still categorised as mild) was getting more painful esp when I stand. Felt like the old wound was going to rupture.

At the hospital, the CTG showed the same mild contractions every 4 minutes. The dr checked and saw that the cervix had dilated 3 cm and went ahead to burst the water bag. Was transferred to the labour room at 11.00am.

Dr Guna came in at 1.00pm to check. Cervix dilated only another 1 cm. He toldme he will come in at about 3.00pm to check and to decide what to do. So at 3.00pm, cervix was only at 5 cm. We had to make a decision. He was willing to wait but we were also aware that should we do a C section after 5.00pm, the charges will be doubled!! It was something we had to decide our selves and also that the longer I wait, more stress was put on the old wound. In the end, we decided to go for the C section. That was about 4.00pm. The Operation theatre team came downand took over. It was like a scene from the ER. Everyone was rushing and wheeled me to the Operation Theatre like it was an emergency.

Decided to take a spinal anesthesia. At 4.30pm, Dr guna came in and started the surgery. At 4.45pm, little Rowena was born. She was not as loud as Harvynna! The surgery was a little complicated as after my first C section, some if the internal organs got stuck together and the dr had to seperate them. Hubs saw the dr seperating the organs, tying them up and pushing them aside. Even the stitching back took a lot of time, and it was painful. Immediately, after the surgery was over,I could feel the pain and was shivering.

The 2nd C section was extremely painful as they cut at the same place. It took 1 week for the pain to go away. Harvynna likes to look at my wound and say, 'Dr cut Mummy's stomach for Rowena to get out!'

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