Friday, November 25, 2005

To tell or not to tell.....?

At the next pre-natal checkup on Christmas eve, we should be able to tell the baby's sex. At first, I wanted it to be a surprise for us as it can be quite exciting not knowing. During our parents times, the sex of the baby was only revealed at the time of birth due to the level of technology at that time.But nowadays, there are more ways than one to test.

For the first pregnancy, we wanted to know the sex, as we were so excited and couldnt wait to stock up on baby items. The thing is DH insists on knowing the sex this time around as well, so if he knows, i have to know as well. Then I wonder, should we tell others as well? Even from now, people keep asking if we know the sex and worse is, they ask if we would prefer a girl or a boy. Some even go as far as saying, that a boy would be better, then we would have a pair or the famous, 'girl also ok what'. How irritating can people be? So what would those people that said 'a boy would be better' say if it turned out to be a girl. We know what they are really thinking.

First of all, we should feel blessed to have a baby. There are so many couples out there who are trying so hard to have a child. And here we are, fortunate enough, so why should we worry about the sex - that should be the least of everyones worries. The main thing is for the child to be healthy. A child is a gift - no matter if it is a boy or girl.

I know, we are going to be bombarded with the same questions right till we deliver. So what should we say?

Err, its a surprise
Dont know
Why you want to know? What is it to you? (hehe, thats quite rude)
Take a guess?
Or we are not telling others...........?

1 comment:

Babysmooches said...

SO.... is it going to be a boy or a gal? how far are you? when's your EDD?