Monday, March 20, 2006

My room

Been trying to do up Harvynna's room to entice her to sleep there. But so far, no luck as yet as for now, she knows the room is to used to get dressed, read her books and then she's out of there! Been contemplating putting the baby and Harvynna in the same room once the baby is born. However, the paed recommends that the baby should room in with the parents for at least the first 6 months. That's why the occurence of SIDs is lowest in Asian cultures as compared to the West. Dont know if this theory is right but we followed it and now Harvynna is almost 2 and still sleeping in our room!


ZMM said...

such a lovely room and she's not sleeping there?

Never mind, it can be a guest room for the time being.

Princess Mom said...

Zara's mama - i guess she does not see it as HER room as she has been sleeping with us since she was born. Must slowly start brainwashing her!